Autopilot Off The 12th day LRC歌詞

歌曲 The 12th dayAutopilot Off 演唱。

歌名:The 12th day 〖第12天〗
專輯:Make a Sound
演唱:Autopilot Off
§ Made By 『月光·疾風』 <GaRReTT(TT)> §

Through the longest night, by this candle-light〖伴着微弱燭光 穿越漫漫長夜〗
We stand to cut the dark in two〖我們站起來將黑暗切開〗
And the concrete rain shattered window panes〖有形的雨擊碎了窗戶玻璃〗
But, no, it never shattered you〖但是它不能 永遠不能擊潰你〗

As long as there is blood inside my veins...〖只要我的血管中仍有熱血流淌〗
I will sing this out〖我會將它唱出來〗
'Till the sun beats down〖直到太陽將黑暗打倒〗
And we rise to meet the sky...〖我們雄起重見天日〗
On that day, I swear〖在那天 我發誓〗
I will see you there〖我會在那裡見到你〗
I will heal these wounded eyes...〖我會治癒那一雙雙受傷的眼睛〗
These wounded eyes!〖那一雙雙受傷的眼睛〗

And the 12th day showed that the sun still rose〖第12天告訴我們太陽仍舊升起〗
As we tried to find our way〖我們嘗試着尋找自己的路〗
Through the steel and smoke, though it smouldered〖穿越鋼鐵和煙霧 儘管前路迷惘〗
We were cold and blanketed by grey〖我們饑寒交迫 被灰暗籠罩着〗

All we had was everything we gave...〖我們所擁有的就是所有我們所付出的〗

And our scars have made us stronger〖我們的傷疤令我們愈加堅強〗
Turning strangers into brothers〖將陌生人變成好兄弟〗
We remember, we recover〖我們回憶着 我們恢復着〗
As we hold on to each other〖當我們互相支持對方〗
And our scars have made us stronger!〖我們的傷疤能令我們愈加堅強〗
Turning strangers into brothers!〖將陌生人變成好兄弟〗
As we hold on to each other!〖當我們互相支持對方〗
In a silent moment, we think of you now〖在此無聲的時刻 我掛念着你〗

These empty spaces, across a bruised skyline〖這空虛的空間 交錯着瘀傷的地平線〗
The names and faces, I can't erase them from my mind〖我無法忘卻那些名字和臉龐〗
These empty spaces, across a bruised skyline〖這空虛的空間 交錯着瘀傷的地平線〗
The names and faces, I can't erase them from my mind〖那些名字和臉龐 我無法在記憶中擦去〗

歡迎聯繫QQ:441093762 『月光·疾風』<LRC MakeR Pro>

--------------ThE EnD--------------

The 12th day