Donna Lewis I could be the one 傾我所有 LRC歌詞

歌曲 I could be the one 傾我所有Donna Lewis 演唱。

I could be the one 傾我所有
此歌詞給我親愛的寶貝 邵紅
I could be your sea of sand(我願為你心海中的沙子)
I could be your warmth of desire(我願成為你最熱烈的希望)
I could be your prayer of hope(我願成為你願望的祈禱)
I could be your gift to everyday(我願是你每一天的禮物)

I could be your tide of heaven(我願成為你天堂的潮汐)
I could be a hint of what’s to come(我願成為你要面對一切的指引)
I could be ordinary(我很平凡)
I could be the one(但我願成為。。。)

I could be your blue eyed angel(我願成為你藍眼睛的天使)
I could be the storm before the calm(我願是平靜前的暴風雨)
I could be your secret pleasure(我願是你快樂的秘密)
I could be your well wishing well(我願使你的願望美好)
I could be your breath of life(我願是你生活中的空氣)
I could be your European dream(我願是你的夢想)
I could be ordinary(我很平凡)
I could be the one(但我願成為。。。)

Now I would lie here in the darkness(現在我躺在黑暗中)
Now I would lie here for all time(現在我完全放鬆)
Now I would lie here watching over you(現在我躺着呆望着你)
Comfort you(安慰你)
Sing to you(唱給你聽)

I could be your worry partner(我願與你分擔憂愁)
I could be your socialite(我願成為你的另一半)
I could be your green eyed monster(我願成為你碧綠眼中的精靈)
I could be your force of light(我願作你力量的源泉)
I could be your temple garden(我願成為你的心靈花園)
I could be your tender hearted child(我願成為你心頭的寶貝)
I could be ordinary(我很平凡)
I could be the one(但我仍然願意。。。)
I could be the one(但我仍然願意。。。)
Now I would lie here in the darkness(現在我躺在黑暗中)
Now I would lie here for all time(現在我完全放鬆)
Now I would lie here watching over you(現在我躺着呆望着你)
Comfort you(安慰你)
Sing to you(唱給你聽)

Will I ever change the journey(我從未更改我的旅程)
Will the hushed tones disappear(這溫柔的聲音消失了嗎)
Oh little Rita(哦 瑞特)
Let me hold you(讓我擁抱你)
Oh little Rita(哦 瑞特)
Let me love you(讓我愛你)

I could be your leafy island(我願成為你茂密的小島)
I could be your thunder in the clouds(我 願成為你雲中的雷聲)
I could be your dark enclosure(我願成為你黑暗中的圍牆)
I could be your romantic soul(我願成為你浪漫的靈魂)
I could be your small beginning(我願成為你渺小的開始)
I could be your suit in universe(我願成為你宇宙的邊際)
I could be ordinary(我很平凡)

I could be the one(但我願意。。。)

I could be ordinary (我很平凡)

I could be the one(但我願意。。。)

I could be ordinary(我很平凡)
I could be the one(但我仍然願意。。。)

此歌詞給我親愛的寶貝 邵紅

I could be the one 傾我所有