Dreen Day 21st Century Breakdown (Demo) LRC歌詞
歌曲 21st Century Breakdown (Demo) 由 Dreen Day 演唱。
歌名:21st Century Breakdown (Demo Version) 中英文對照歌詞
演唱:Green Day
☆ Edited By ☆
☆ Translated By Green艾&親親 ☆
PART 1 // 第1部分
Born into Nixon, I was raised in hell./出生在尼克松,我在地獄中長大。
A welfare child where the teamsters dwelled./一個福利院的孩子,被人像牲口一樣對待。
The last one born, the first one to run,/最小的孩子生出來,最大的孩子就得開始辛勤勞作。
My town was blind by refinery sun./陽光看似普照,而我的城鎮卻一片黑暗。
My generation is zero,/我們這一代一文不值,
I never made it as a working cla*s hero./我從來不曾想過成為一名工人階級的英雄。
21st century breakdown./垮掉的二十一世紀。
I once was lost but never was found./我曾一度迷失且從未被拯救。
I think I'm losing what's left of my mind./我想我正在失去那些遺留在我腦海的東西。
to the 20th century deadline./直到20世紀的最後期限。
這首21st Century Breakdown是美國
朋克復興運動領軍樂隊GREEN Day在
I was made of poison and ,/我由毒藥和血液造就,
Condemnation is what I understood./我所知道的一切就是罪惡。
From Mexico to the Berlin Wall,/從墨西哥到柏林牆,
Homeland security could kill us all./國土安全部可以害死我們所有。
My generation is zero,/我們這一代一文不值,
I never made it as a working cla*s hero./我從來不曾想過成為一名工人階級的英雄。
21st century breakdown,/垮掉的二十一世紀。
I once was lost but never was found./我曾一度迷失且從未被拯救。
I think I'm losing what's left of my mind./我想我正在失去那些遺留在我腦海的東西。
to the 20th century deadline./直到20世紀的最後期限。
PART 2 // 第2部分
We are the cries of the cla*s of 13,/我們是底層階級的呼聲,
born in the era of humility./出生在一切講究謙卑的年代。
we are the desperate in the decline,/我們是墮落中的絕望,
raised by the bastards of 1969!!!/被1969年的雜種們養大!!!
My name is no one, your long lost son./我是無名小卒,你遺失很久的兒子。
Born on the 4th of July,/出生在7月4日,
raising the bygones of heroes and cons,/被過去的英雄們和反對派們養大
left me for dead or alive./將我推向不是苟活就是死亡的未來。
There is the war that's inside my head,/在我的腦海里有一場戰爭,
that questions the results and lies,/質疑着結果與謊言,
While breaking my back til I'm damn near well dead,/而同時我卻不得不拚命工作幾近累死。
When enough ain't enough to survive./當生存永遠無法得到滿足。
GREEN DAY中文論壇 http://bbs.greendayfans.cn 歡迎您
I am an agent, a worker, a pawn,/我是一個代理人,一名工人,一顆無足輕重的棋子,
my debt to the status quo,/我的債務現狀,
the scars on my hands are a means to an end,/手上的疤痕是結束的象徵。
it's all that I have to show./這就是我要給你看的全部。
I'm taking a loan on my sanity,/我貸出我的理智,
for the redemption of my soul./去贖回我的靈魂。
well I am exempt from this tragedy,/是的我對這場悲劇免疫,
and the 21st century fall./而二十一世紀垮掉了。
Praise Liberty,/我讚頌自由,
the freedom to obey,/服從的自由,
it's a song that strangles me,/這是一首扼殺我的歌
well, don't cross the line!/但是,不許過界!
Part 3 // 第3部分
Oh, dream American dream,/噢,心懷美國夢,
I can't even sleep,/我甚至不能入眠,
from rainstorms til dawn,/從暴風雨到黎明,
Oh, bleed America bleed,/噢,淌着美國血,
believe what you read,/相信你所看到的,
from heroes and cons,/從英雄們到反對派。
——————————————THE END——————————————
P.S. 國外網友聽出來的,中文歌詞是歌迷翻譯的,難免有錯,請包涵
GREEN DAY中文論壇 http://bbs.greendayfans.cn 歡迎您
21st Century Breakdown (Demo)