Gladys Knight Didn't You Know LRC歌詞

歌曲 Didn't You KnowGladys Knight 演唱。

Gladys Knight& The Pips

Ending Song in Ugly Betty Season2 EP16


Remember when you left? 還記得你離去時的那天嗎
You had your own rules about playing the game 你對這個遊戲有自己的規則
And any day, you could walk away feeling no pain 無論何時你都可以毫無愧疚的抽身而去

Now look at yourself 現在看看你自己
You're all hung up on somebody else 全心全意的牽掛着另一個人
And in your eyes I see all the signs of the misery 我能在你的眼中看到傷痛
That you laid on me 就如同你曾施加在我的身上一樣

Baby, baby 寶貝
Didn't you know you'd have to cry sometime? 你難道不知道你終有哭泣的時候
Didn't you know
Didn't you know you'd have to hurt sometime? 你難道不知道你終有被傷害的時候
Didn't you know that you'd lose your pride? 你難道不知道你終會失去你的驕傲
Didn't anybody tell you love had another side?難道沒有人告訴過你愛情也有另外一面

You used to be so proud 你曾是那麼不可一世
Now, your head's a little lower 而現在你的頭顱垂下
And you walk slower 你的腳步放緩
And you don't talk so loud 你不再高談闊論

You've gotten wise 你變得更理智了
You know how love can build you up one moment 你知道了愛情可以一朝讓你上天堂
And the next, cut you down to size 下一秒就讓你落入地獄
Then you discover 然後你發現
All she told you was a bunch of lies 她所有的話不過是一坨謊言!

Baby, baby 寶貝
Didn't you know you'd have to cry sometime?你難道不知道你終有哭泣的時候
Didn't you know
Didn't you know you'd have to hurt sometime?你難道不知道你終有被傷害的時候
Didn't you know that you'd lose your pride?你難道不知道你終會失去你的驕傲
Didn't anybody tell you love had another side?難道沒有人告訴過你愛情也有另外一面
Now you come to me 如今你投奔我
Yeah you hurt so bad you want to feel the security 是的你想要感受到被愛的安全感
Of love.......
You want to have 是的你想要擁有
But I can't open doors 可是我不能把門打開
And my arms can never take the place of her......因我的懷抱永遠無法替代她
Cause no others can ever take the place of yours 就如沒人能代替你的地位
So what can I tell you baby? 那麼我又能跟你說什麼呢?

Didn't you know you'd have to cry sometime?你難道不知道你終有哭泣的時候
Didn't you know
Didn't you know you'd have to hurt sometime?你難道不知道你終有被傷害的時候
Didn't you know
Didn't you know you'd have to cry sometime?你難道不知道你終有哭泣的時候
Baby Baby~寶貝 寶貝
Didn't you know you'd have to hurt sometime? 你難道不知道你終有被傷害的時候
Didn't you know you'd have to cry sometime你難道不知道你終有哭泣的時候
Baby Baby Baby 寶貝寶貝
Think about it 考慮一下吧
Didn't you know you'd have to cry sometime你難道不知道你終有哭泣的時候

Didn't You Know