Point Blanc feat. Uncle Real & MC Yan of LMF Fortunate LRC歌詞

歌曲 FortunatePoint Blanc feat. Uncle Real & MC Yan of LMF 演唱。


Point Blanc

Straight To The Point

msn: zhenhong87@hotmail.com

我係一個MC唔慣寫情歌 不過呢個機會我唔想放過
因為命運真係好照顧我 人海茫茫之中你都仲揀中我
過左咁多年 你仲係我身邊 心未變
人地話我地仲有好多年 情比金堅

唸番我以前 未識到你之前
我眼光真係好鬼淺 認為相信真愛係黐線
女大把 多過D沙 個個情虛意假 睡醒唔識大家
識到你個一下 奇蹟爆發 無賴俾你點化 大變化 直到以家

(I』m a very fortunate guy)
我真係幸福 有你我心滿意足 (So lucky alive to be by your side)
(Lucky to have you all of the time)
(All of the time) 無論乜野困難我都唔會退縮
(You know some people so fine)
(I like the love of you and I)

唸番起以前 個個睇我唔起
妳D朋友話我無目標 無志氣
佢地話我腳唔踏實地 為HIP-HOP死 養得起妳 好奇

信我 唯有妳未曾嫌我
陪我 為我 日日奔波
日子再坎坷 妳也從未埋怨過

不過 鑽石再多 唔及我真心一顆
送俾妳呢一首歌 心聲寫得清清楚楚
心中一世得妳一個 絕對唔會錯 得妳一個

(I』m a very fortunate guy)
我真係幸福 有你我心滿意足 (So lucky alive to be by your side)
(Lucky to have you all of the time)
(All of the time) 無論乜野困難我都唔會退縮
(You know some people so fine)
(I like the love of you and I)

Through thick and thin, you're always by my side,
You putting up with me all these time,
I』m sorry that I made you cry, I』m sorry for the time I lied,
But I』m so , grateful, that you , my boo and what we share is so true ,
Cos』 I know I』m one very fortunate guy

(I』m a very fortunate guy)
我真係幸福 有你我心滿意足 (So lucky alive to be by your side)
(Lucky to have you all of the time)
(All of the time) 無論乜野困難我都唔會退縮
(You know some people so fine)
(I like the love of you and I)
