Sound Horizon 闇の紳士録~死刑執行 LRC歌詞

歌曲 闇の紳士録~死刑執行Sound Horizon 演唱。

Sound Horizon

(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)

心に罪深き欲望を抱え その暗闇に代行者の名を問いかける
(Sinful desire is had in the mind. Proxy's name ask the dark.)
心に漆黒の欲望を抱え その書物に代行者の名を問いかける
(Jet-black desire is had in the mind. Proxy's name ask the book.)
──やぁ、君!(Hey guy!)
「まぁ、銃を取りたまえ! パトリック?ヘンリー?シェリル君! 君はもう一人の殺人郵便野郎なのだよ!!」
(Just take the gun! Mr. Patrick Henry Cheryl! You are another Mr. Patrick Henry Cheryl!!)

(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
心に歪んだ願望を抱き その暗闇に代行者の名を問いかける
(Distorted wish is had in the mind. Proxy's name ask the dark.)
心に血塗れの願望を抱き その書物に代行者の名を問いかける
(Bloodstained wish is had in the mind. Proxy's name ask the book.)
──やぁ、君!(Hey guy!)
「同僚を殺したまえ! パトリック?ヘンリー?シェリル君! 君はネジがぶっ飛んだ殺人郵便野郎なのだよ!!」
(Kill the partner! Mr. Patrick Henry Cheryl! You are crazy Mr. Patrick Henry Cheryl!!)

(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)
(Proxy in the rain who's book famous.)

何故人はその紳士録の中から 選んでしまうのだろう?


(──The hero comes at vary final moment.)

男は狼、孤獨な狼 男は狼、飢えた狼
(Man is wolf, solitary wolf. Man is wolf, starveling wolf.)
男は狼、流浪の狼 男は狼、いや、むしろ犬
(Man is wolf, wandering wolf. Man is wolf, No, it's a dog.)
男は犬、孤獨な犬 男は犬、飢えた犬
(Man is dog, solitary dog. Man is dog, starveling dog.)
男は犬、流浪の犬 男は犬、そうさ《犬彥》
(Man is dog, wandering dog. Man is dog, Yes, "The Dog".)
(Age is from the wolf to "The Dog" now yet ...)
…行け《犬彥》! …戦え《犬彥》!
(...Go! "The Dog"! ...Fight! "The Dog"!)
…行け《犬彥》! …戦え《犬彥》!
(...Go! "The Dog"! ...Fight! "The Dog"!)
…行け《犬彥》! …戦え《犬彥》!
(...Go! "The Dog"! ...Fight! "The Dog"!)
はい、お前とお前とお前は死刑! お前とお前とお前は絞首刑!
(Yes, you and you and you are death penalty! You and you and you are death by hanging!)
お前とお前とお前はサヨナラ! 死刑執行!!
(You and you and you are goodbye! Execution!!)


