X Japan Longing ~跡切れた Melody~ LRC歌詞

歌曲 Longing ~跡切れた Melody~X Japan 演唱。

Longing ~跡切れた Melody~ - X-JAPAN


傷つけ合った言葉も (即使是傷害的話語)
重ねた涙も (或是流不盡的淚水)
いつかは想い出になるよ (都會變成回憶)
だから…跡切れたMelody (所以 中斷的旋律)
胸に抱きしめて 明日も生きるだろう (緊抱在懷中 明天還是會再出現)
貴方に會えなくても (即使無法再和你相見)

Sing without you
I'll sing without you
Can't you feel my heart
Falling through the rain
I sing without you
I'll sing without you
Can't you hold my tears
Cause still I love you

I can't face the thought of being alone
I sing for the song still carries on
胸に抱きしめて 想いを歌わせて (緊抱在懷中,唱出思念)
聲にならなくても (即使發不出聲音)

Sing without you
I'll sing without you
Can't you feel my pain
There's nothing I can do

I still have a longing for your memory
傷つくだけでも (但只剩下傷痛)
心を伝えたいよ (想傳達自己的心意)

今は…獨りにしないで (如今...不願獨自一個人)
降り注ぐ雨に 壊れそうな夢 (似乎在傾注的大雨中被破壞的夢)
明日も奏でるから (明天還是會奏起一樣的樂章)

Sing without you
I'll sing without you
Can't you feel my heart
Falling through the rain
I sing without you
I'll sing without you
Can't you hold my tears
Cause still I love you

I sing without you
I'll sing without you
Can't you feel my heart
Falling through the rain
I sing without you
I'll sing without you
Can't you hold my tears
Cause still I love you

Longing ~跡切れた Melody~ - X-JAPAN

Longing ~跡切れた Melody~