旅行團Life Journey 回到babalala的城堡 LRC歌詞

歌曲 回到babalala的城堡旅行團Life Journey 演唱。

【夾子娃娃的飛行】音樂徵選活動 風格: 流行
音樂人:☆旅行團樂團☆ 語言:國語/英語 作詞人:LISA 孔陽 作曲人:韋偉 編曲人:旅行團 演(奏)唱人:旅行團 收錄專輯:來福膠泥 版權所有:旅行團
Babalala們開着Babalal車,巡遊着Babalal world,記錄了一次瘋狂有趣的旅行、冒險
Bala bala bala world Bala bala bala in the car

Bala bala bala car Bala bala bala around the world

You know something is new
You know something is old
You know something is ture
Let it go! It’s good for you
Bala bala bala world Bala bala bala in the car
Bala bala bala car Bala bala bala around the world
Tibet has the cute buddha
India has the Taj Mahal
Italy has the Lasagne
Mexico drink tequila
father sun kissing my face
Mother wind blowing my hair
Oh~my old backpack & sweating feet
Bala bala bala road Bala bala bala worn out shoes
Bala bala bala shoes Bala bala bala hit the road
Bala bala ba alas Bala bala pennyless pocket
Bala bala bala home Bala bala time to headed home
