網絡歌手 說句心裡話英文超牛B版 LRC歌詞

歌曲 說句心裡話英文超牛B版網絡歌手 演唱。

說句心裡話 say a word in heart
我也想家 I think my home too
家中的老媽媽已是滿頭白髮 often think my mother is white in hair
說句實在話我也有愛 say a word in heart I have love too
常思念夢中的她 often think a sleep her a sleep her
來來來既然來當兵 come~come ~but became a soldier
來來來就知責任大 come~come~ I know duty is big
你不扛槍我不槓槍 you don't carry gun I don't carry gun
誰保衛咱媽媽 who protect the mother
誰來保衛她 who come guard her
誰來保衛她 who come guard her !
