飛鳥影院 意大利任務 LRC歌詞

歌曲 意大利任務飛鳥影院 演唱。

-Hello -Hello,sweetie.(乖女)
Daddy,it's early.
I know,I just wanted you konw,I'm sending you something.(我只想你知道我要寄禮物給你)
-Does it smell nice?(香噴噴的?)
No,but it's sparkly.(不,閃閃生輝的)
-Does it have a receipt?(有收據嗎?)
-I'm sending it to you from the store.(從店裡寄給你的)
Come by(順道過來),we'll have some breakfast(我們一起吃早餐).
It would be a long trip(但路途遙遠).
I'm in Venice(我身在威尼斯).
With your parole officer's approval(得到你的假釋官批准)?
I like the guy,stella(我喜歡他),but we never connected(但我們就是合不來).
so I think I've my Po his last visit(所以我已拜訪他最後一次).
What are you into(搞什麼鬼)?Don't break my heart,you said you were through(你答應過金盆洗手了).
After this,I am(這是最後一次),I swear to you(我想你保證).
-Is Charlie there(查理在旁)?
-I'm on a cellphone(我用手機).
I'll call you tomorrow form a handline(明天再聯絡).I love you.Go back to sleep(繼續睡覺).Bye.
huu... I love you,too.
-I sent it(已送禮了).
-You're supposed to shop after the job(該在完事後才購物).
I feel so optimistic,how do you feel(我很樂觀,你覺得如何)?
-Fine(還好). -Fine?
-You know what fine stands for(可知那代表什麼)?
-Freaked-out(害怕)...-Insecure(不安)...-Neurotic(神經質)...-And emotinol(和感情用事).
-See those columns behind you(看見那些大柱嗎)?
-What about them(怎樣)?
That's where they strung up thieves who felt fine(那是用來覺得還好的盜賊).
Well,after you(那你先行).
-For after the haul(預祝成功).
-Hope I'll get to fire it up(希望有機會抽這個).
No word from the garbage men(還沒有垃圾佬的消息)?
No.They don't show,prep's wasted and you're out of retirement for nothing(他們不來就前功盡棄,要你白走).
This is fan(這真好).you've taken over the reins,the worries(你打點一切).I'm just along for the ride(我做下手).
Glad you're enjoying yourself,John(你覺得開心好玩就行).
Police boat can get to us in seven(警察七分鐘殺到),so you've four minutes to work your magic(你有四分鐘).
-You told me ten and said I'have five(你說我有五分鐘時間).
Do not mess with me(別耍我).
I will kick your a*s(我會揍扁你).
Yeah?Take your best shot(那放馬過來).
Come on,let's go(走吧).
What is it this time(這次又看什麼)?
Da Vinci(達芬奇),architect(建築師),engineer(工程師),painter(畫家).
-Check this out(看這個).
"Learn the language of poetry ,art ,romance ,sex..."(學習藝術、浪漫、性的語言)
Unlike you,my friend,I don't need a guidebook(我不像你要看指南).Can we go(走吧)?
-Right,guvnor(是的,老闆).-Make yourself useful(做貢獻吧).Untie that line(解纜).
Yeah,Gilligan,if you don't mind(沒錯,如果你不介意的話).
We set(準備妥當)?
Yeah.The viewing matrix tracks the Cartesian coordinates(視像矩陣追蹤笛卡爾坐標)and altitude angles to give the exact position of our baby(和高度角位,以確定目標的位置).
-We're in Italy,speak English.
-Steve,how we looking(史提,怎樣)?
Papa took the boat at 8:15(爸爸8:15上班),so the garage is empty(船庫空了).Mama left with daughter at 8:30 for pre-school,as usual(媽媽一如平常,8:30送女兒上學).so for the next 45 minutes,we own this place(所以接下來45分鐘會很安全).
Still no word from the garbage men(垃圾佬還沒有消息)?
Who got you the Budapest beekeepers(是誰幫你找到布達佩斯養蜂人)?You can trust these guys(你可以信靠他們).
How many times must I tell you(要我說多少次)?Trust everyone(誰都可信),but not the devil inside them(只怕知人知面不知心).
We're in(我們進來了).
Just tell me where to paint(告訴我漆哪兒就行).
-Your men still not in position(你的人還沒來)?-They will be(快來了).
You don't konw that(但你不肯定),we should abort(我們應該終止行動).
I think that's Charlie's call now(現在是由查理作主).
Our baby's being taken away tonight(目標今晚就運走).This is our only shot(這是最後機會).
-Charlie?-Keep going(繼續行動)?
-It's up to you,kid(由你作主).-Let's go(來吧).
