[ti:From the Cradle to Enslave (中英對照)] [ar:Craldle Of Enslave] [al:] [00:00.00]From The Cradle To Enslave [00:02.00]##生來被奴役## [00:03.00] [00:04.00]The Cradle Of Filth [00:06.00]$$污穢搖籃$$ [00:08.00] [00:10.00]原稿翻譯:axsis [00:13.00] [00:14.00]來源:【瘋狂搖籃】貼吧 [00:14.50] [00:15.00]原時間軸:Skyoung-楊新苗 [00:16.00]校正&上傳:VT@C [00:18.00] [00:21.00]聲明: [00:23.00]為了能使中文翻譯和英文語句能更好的匹配 [00:25.00]我在原稿翻譯的基礎上稍作修改 [00:27.00]不當的地方還請原作者和歌迷見諒 [00:29.00] [00:30.00]再次感謝axsis為大家帶來有如此意境的翻譯 [00:31.00]By:VT@C [00:32.00] [00:32.80]Two thousand fattened years like maniacs. ##瘋狂2000年## [00:35.50]Have despoiled our common grave ##墳墓被淘空## [00:39.10]Now what necrophagous Second Coming backs ##如今茹毛飲血的時代重新降臨## [00:43.02]From the cradle to enslave? ##難道是從出生就註定被主宰## [00:51.20]Sickle constellations,Stud the belts that welt the sky ##鐮刀六星散落銀河## [00:58.05]Whilst the bitter winter moon,Prowls the cloud, dead-eyed##冷月殘雲凝弒雙目## [01:02.12]Like shifting parent flesh,Under silk matricide... ##引導着世間父食子肉,母子相殘## [01:05.41]Watchful as she was upon Eden ##回望伊甸園中的伊人## [01:08.32]Where every rose arbour and orchard she swept ##在那她剛剛清理的玫瑰藤和果樹下## [01:11.10]Hid the hissing of a serpent Libido ##藏匿的毒蛇興奮的嘶嘶做聲## [01:14.04]In an ancient tryst with catastrophe ##這一切都是夙命的禍患## [01:19.78]Hear that hissing now on the breeze ##微風帶着惡鬼羅剎之聲## [01:22.76]As through the plundered groves of the carnal garden ##越過這色慾樂園的肉林## [01:26.08]A fresh horror blows ##夢魘隨風而來## [01:27.80]But ten billion souls are blind to see the rotting wood for the trees ## 但是百億眾生對這扶蘇之林片片殘枝朽木卻熟視無睹## [01:36.49]This is the theme to a better Armageddon ##此時此景難道不比末日決戰之地更美妙嗎## [01:41.53]Nightchords rake the heavens ##死亡的弦音肆意掠過天堂聖地## [01:43.18]PAN DAEMON AEAON ##群魔亂舞## [01:45.52]And what use are prayers to that god? ##眾生祈禱被誰人聆聽## [01:49.36]As devils bay concensus for the space to piss on your smouldering faith ##僅存的信仰亦被魔鬼褻瀆## [01:54.34]And the mouldering face of this world long a paradise lost ##永恆的極樂世界已經腐朽潰爛## [02:00.23]This is the end of everything ##萬物至此而亡## [02:07.57]Hear the growing chora that a new dawn shall bring ##新紀元的第一聲啼哭猶如天籟叫人嚮往## [02:11.01]Danse macabre 'neath the tilt of the zodiac ##在崩塌的十二宮下, 大跳死亡之舞## [02:14.25]Now brighter stars shall reflect on our fate ##新的光明之星將重定天命## [02:16.34]What sick nativities will be freed when those lights burn black? ##當那 些光芒燃燒黑暗之時,一切惡行罪惡將橫行無忌## [02:20.04]The darkside of the mirror always threw our malice back... ##黑色魔鏡釋放所有怨恨醜惡重返人間## [02:27.28]I see the serpentine in your eyes ##你的眼中映出蛇的影像## [02:32.82]The nature of the beast as revelations arrive ##獸性爆發的天啟已經降臨## [02:43.96]Our screams shall trail to Angels for those damned in flames repay ##嘶叫哀嚎指引着復仇天使瘋狂而動 ## [02:57.65]All sinners lose their lot on Judgement Day ##所有的罪人啊,你們在最終審判時不可避免被毀滅的命運## [03:04.29]We should have cut our looses as at Calvary ##我們將在耶穌受難之地自殘而亡## [03:07.13]But our hearts like heavy crosses held the vain belief ##但是我們還懷着自欺欺人的信仰## [03:12.67]Salvation, like a promised nation ##「拯救我們,就像您許諾過的那些一樣」## [03:14.02]Gleamed a claim away... ##那光明,那希望,一閃而逝, 消失無蹤## [03:18.36]This is the end of everything you have ever known ###這就是你已知的世界末日# [03:24.20]Buried like vanquished reason,death is season ##死無葬身之地的時期## [03:29.38]Drive like the drifting snow ##眾生飄雪般往生## [03:33.38]Peace, a fragile lover, left us fantasising war ##和平,你這纖細的可人兒,留給我們的只是末日之戰## [03:46.47]On our knees or another fucker's shore##我們已無力支撐,只有雙膝跪地## [03:49.41]Heiling new flesh.Read, then roared.To a crooked cross and a Holy Cause ##嗚呼,新生,聽聽這些怒吼吧.只為了那扭曲的十字架和聖人們可笑的善行正道## [03:53.09]What else be whipped to frenzy for? ##還有什麼該被一道狠狠鞭撻## [03:56.78]This is the end of everything ##這就是萬物的終點## [04:05.12]Rear the tragedies that the Seraphim shall sing ##六翼天使在萬劫不復的悲慘之地高聲歌唱## [04:09.90]Old adversaries ##古老之敵## [04:11.15]Next to Eve.Now they're clawing back ##夏娃二世們,他們又回來了## [04:13.83]I smell their cumming ##我能聞到他們的氣息## [04:14.77]As through webbed panes of meat ##就像那被切割而死的悲慘肉身一樣的氣息## [04:15.51]Led by hoary Death ##被死亡的陰霾引領着## [04:17.86]They never left ##永無離去之日## [04:19.20]Dreaming sodomies.##夢想被敗類們雞姦## [04:20.00]To impress on human failure ##印證人性的泯滅## [04:21.20]When we've bled upon our knees ##就在我們膝下流盡鮮血之時## [04:24.22]Tablatures of gravel law ##在每塊瓦礫光滑的表面## [04:38.27]Shall see Gehennah paved ##綿延的煉獄清晰可見## [04:41.91]When empires fall ##帝國崩潰## [04:43.25]And nightmares crawl from the cradle to enslave.... ##夢魘匍匐逶迤於搖籃之中,從出生就註定被主宰## [04:52.93]This is the end of everything ##這就是萬物終結之時##