[ti:Glory of Life] [ar:Mink] [al:Mink] [00:00.00]歌名:Glory of Life〖光輝歲月〗 [00:02.00]演唱:Mink [00:04.00]Made By 『月光·疾風TT』<GaRReTT> 【QQ:441093762】 [00:06.00]☆★ 悼念『5·12』四川汶川地震的死難者 ★☆ [00:08.50] [00:10.80]There are times when the world〖曾幾何時〗 [00:14.97]Seems to fold under pressure of man〖世界似乎屈服在人類的重壓之下〗 [00:19.80]No one knows about the tears〖無人知曉 那悲哀的淚水〗 [00:24.50]In the rain that keep falling on us〖在風雨中依然向我們灑落〗 [00:28.75]Need to feel that the wind can change〖感受那清風的微微變化〗 [00:33.35]In the home of the brave I believe〖在勇士們的家鄉 我堅信〗 [00:37.10] [00:37.90][01:33.50]We can stand up and sing〖我們挺身而出 齊聲高唱〗 [00:40.85][01:36.30]The love that's within us will conquer in some way〖心中的愛會攻克一切困難〗 [00:47.10][01:42.50]Now we're fighting to win〖我們抗爭着 希望取得最後勝利〗 [00:49.80][01:45.20]So hold on to this dream〖所以不要放棄 堅守夢想〗 [00:55.50][01:50.80]For the glory of life〖為了人生中的光輝歲月〗 [01:00.50]Glory of life〖光輝的歲月〗 [01:03.50] [01:05.95]Throw a dime in the well〖向井裡投擲一枚硬幣〗 [01:10.50]Make a wish and believe it comes true〖許下一個心愿 相信它會成真〗 [01:14.75]Say a prayer, close your eyes〖心裡默默祈禱 閉上你的雙眼〗 [01:19.50]You will see all the wonders of life〖你將會看見生命中的所有奇蹟〗 [01:24.00]I believe there will come a time〖我相信此刻會降臨〗 [01:28.50]When the world'll start to shine in grace〖世界將閃耀出仁慈的光芒〗 [01:32.70] [01:52.80] [01:53.50]We stumble and we fall〖一次次的跌倒失落〗 [01:55.80]We win and we lose〖一次次的勝利失敗〗 [01:58.05]We welcome all the joy〖曾笑納所有的歡樂〗 [02:00.50]And shed all the tears〖也曾流盡所有傷心的淚水〗 [02:02.70]So this is my song〖所以這就是我的旋律(人生)〗 [02:04.85]For the glory of life〖為了人生中的光輝歲月〗 [02:09.75]Glory of life〖光輝的歲月〗 [02:13.00] [02:14.95]We can stand up and sing〖我們挺身而出 齊聲高唱〗 [02:17.85]The love that's within us will conquer in some way〖心中的愛會攻克一切困難〗 [02:23.95]Now we're fighting to win〖我們抗爭着 希望取得最後勝利〗 [02:26.60]So hold on to this dream〖所以不要放棄 堅守夢想〗 [02:32.40]For the glory of life〖為了人生中的光輝歲月〗 [02:33.50]We can stand up and sing〖我們挺身而出 齊聲高唱〗 [02:36.25]The love that's within us will conquer in some way〖心中的愛會攻克一切困難〗 [02:42.50]Now we're fighting to win〖我們抗爭着 希望取得最後勝利〗 [02:45.00]So hold on to this dream〖所以不要放棄 堅守夢想〗 [02:50.90]For the glory of life〖為了人生中的光輝歲月〗 [02:55.85]Glory of life〖光輝的歲月〗 [03:00.50]Glory of life〖光輝的歲月〗 [03:04.30] [03:08.80]We can stand up and sing〖我們挺身而出 齊聲高唱〗 [03:13.85]Come on, say a prayer〖來吧 一起默默祈禱〗 [03:17.00] [03:22.50]Stand up and sing〖挺身而出 齊聲高唱〗 [03:27.80]For the glory of life〖為了人生中的光輝歲月〗 [03:30.20]