[ti: Streets of philadelphia 費城故事] [ar: Robin Tesch] [al: 奧斯卡金曲] [00:02.95]Streets of philadelphia 費城故事 [00:04.58]by Robin Tesch [00:21.46]I was bruised and battered i couldn't tell what i felt 我鼻青臉腫,痛苦難以名狀 [00:26.94]I was unrecognizable to myself 自己都認不出自己的模樣 [00:31.08]I saw my reflection in a window 在窗中看見我自己的倒影 [00:34.85] I didn't know my own face 卻認不出自己的臉龐 [00:37.76]oh,brother are you gonna leave me wastin' away 噢,兄弟!你是否會任由我消沉? [00:40.83]on the streets of philadelphia 在費城的街道上 [00:50.03]streets of philadelphia 在費城的街道上 [00:55.05] 歡迎你!!! [00:59.00] [01:00.92]I walked the avenue 'til my legs felt like stone 我拖着灌了鉛的腿走在大街上 [01:05.40]I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone 聽着朋友們的聲音流逝消亡 [01:10.40]at night I could hear the in my veins 夜半我能聽見自己的血脈流淌 [01:16.84]black and whispering as the rain 如在黑夜中綿綿訴說的細雨 [01:19.78]on the streets of philadelphia 在費城的街道上 [01:29.65]streets of philadelphia 在費城的街道上 [01:34.05] 歡迎你!!! [01:38.78] [01:41.03]Ain't no angel gonna greet me 不會有天使向我問候 [01:45.79]It's just you and I my friend 朋友,現在只有我和你 [01:50.56]My clothes don't fit me no more 我的衣服已不再合身 [01:54.19]I walked a thousand miles 我徒步千餘里 [01:56.50]Just to slip this skin 任由它如絲綢般滑過我的皮膚 [01:59.00] [02:01.33]The night has fallen 夜幕已經降臨 [02:03.46]I'm lyin' awake 我卻難以入眠 [02:06.31]I can feel myself fading away 我感到自己正消失在這黑夜之中 [02:11.31]So receive me brother with your faithless kiss 所以,兄弟啊,請用你不忠的吻來迎接我吧! [02:16.32]Or will we leave each other alone like this 或者我們就這樣各自飄零 [02:19.13]On the streets of philadelphia 在費城的街道上 [02:22.80] [02:28.12]streets of philadelphia 在費城的街道上 [02:32.00] [02:37.40]streets of philadelphia 在費城的街道上 [02:41.21] [02:47.08]streets of philadelphia 在費城的街道上 [02:52.09] [02:55.72]streets of philadelphila Robin Tesch [02:59.60]——————END——————