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  2. 李陽
  3. 李陽瘋狂英語 脫口而出 第二部 瘋狂準備篇

李陽 李陽瘋狂英語 脫口而出 第二部 瘋狂準備篇 LRC歌詞

下載李陽瘋狂英語 脫口而出 第二部 瘋狂準備篇LRC歌詞

李陽瘋狂英語 脫口而出 第二部 瘋狂準備篇
qq 675603616 華北電力大學工商院資源0701班
第一節 咬牙切齒的開始 瘋狂背誦一百個句型;
Do you like Chinese food/studying/Chinese /him/movies/our city/ sports/;
watching sports /traveling/cars/ driving/chasing 『追逐;追求』girls?;
1.I am;我是
I am an office worker.;(我是上班族。)
2.I work for;我在……工作
I work for the government.;我在政府機關做事。
3.I'm happy to;我很高興;我很榮幸
I'm happy to meet you.;(我很高興見到你。)
4.I like;我喜歡
I like your sense of humor.;(我喜歡你的幽默感。)
5.I'm glad to;我很高興
I'm glad to see you again.;(我很高興再次見到你。)
I'll call you.;(我會打電話給你。)
7.I feel like;我想
I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk.;(我想睡/散步。)
8.I want;我想要
I want something to eat.;(我想吃點東西。)
9.I need;我需要
I need your help.;(我需要你的幫助。)
10.I would like to;我想;我願意
I would like to talk to you for a minute.;(我想和你談一下。)
This sentence is so common!;
Hwever ,it usually means you are in for a long discussion about something important.;
American use this sentence before telling their children about sex,;
or warning them about the dangers of drugs!;
Very serious talk follows a very light invitation.;
11.I have;我有
I have a lot of problems.;(我有很多問題。)
12.I hope;我希望
I hope our dreams come true.;我希望我們的夢想成真.
13.I'm looking forward to;我期待;我期望
I'm looking forward to seeing you.;(我期望見到你。)
14.I'm supposed to;我應該
I'm supposed to go on a diet/get a raise.;(我應該節食/漲工資。)
15.I heard;我聽說
I heard that you're getting married. Congratulations!;(聽說你要結婚了, 恭喜恭喜!)
16.I see;我知道
I see what you mean.;(我了解你的意思。)
17.I can't...;我不能……
I can't do this.;(我不能這麼做。)
18.Let me;讓我
Let me explain why I was late.;(讓我解釋遲到的理由。)
Let's have a beer or something.;(咱們喝點啤酒什麼的。)
20.Where is...?;
Where is your office?;(你們的辦公室在哪裡?)
21.What is...?;……是什麼?
What is you plan?;(你的計劃是什麼?)
22.When is...?;什麼時候……?
When is the store closing?;(這家店什麼時候結束 營業?)
23.Would you care to...?;要不要
Would you cara to see it/sit down for a while?;你要不要看/ 坐一會兒呢?
24.Are you sure...?;你肯定……嗎?
Are you sure you can come by at nine?; (你肯定你九點能來嗎?)
25.Am I allowed to...?;我可以……嗎?
Am I allowed to stay out past 10?;(我可以十點過後 再回家嗎?)
26.be scheduled to...;排定時間或日期
The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet.;
27.birthday is...;生日是在……
Tom's birthday is this week.;(湯姆的生日就在 這個星期。)
28.Can you...?;能請你……嗎?
Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/tell me how to get there?;(星期五能不能請你 [04替我個班/你能幫我嗎 /你能告訴我到那裡怎 麼走嗎?)
29.Could you...;能否請你……
Could you do me a big favor?;(能否請你幫我個忙?)
30.crazy about...;對……很着迷
He is crazy about Crazy English.;(他對瘋狂英語很着迷。)
31.Can you imagine...?;你能想像……嗎?
Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?;(你能想像他那部車付 了多少錢嗎?)
32.Can you believe...?;你相信……?
Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25?;(你相信我用25美元 買了一台電視嗎?)
33.Did you know...?;你知道……嗎?
Did you know he was having an affair/ cheating on his wife?;(你知道他有外遇了嗎 /欺騙他的妻子嗎?)
34.Did you hear about...?;你聽說……了嗎? 你知道……嗎?
Did you hear about the new project?;(你知道那個新項目嗎?)
35.Do you realize...?;你知道……嗎?
Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?;(你知道這些襯衫都賣 半價嗎?)
36.Do you mind if I...?;你介意……嗎?
Do you mind if I take tomorrow off?;(你介意我明天請假嗎?)
I enjoy working with you very much.;(我很喜歡和你一 起工作。)
38.ended up...;最終是……
Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary?;你知道嗎?石頭最終和 他的秘書結婚了。)
39.get together...;聚在一起……
Let's get together for lunch.;(讓我們聚在一起吃頓 午餐吧。)
I'm getting a new computer for birthday present.;(我得到一台新電腦, 作為我的生日禮物。)
41.How did you do on...?;你……的表現如何?
How did you do on your test?;(你這次考試的結果 如何?)
42.Do you think...?;你認為……?
Do you think you can come?;(你認為你能來嗎?)
43.How was...?;……還好吧?
How was your weekend?;(你周末過得怎麼樣?)
Here is my card.;(這是我的名片。)
45.be used to...;他習慣於……
He is used to eating out all the time.;(他已經習慣了在 外面吃飯。)
46.Have you ever...?;你有沒有……?
Have you ever driven a BMW?;(你有沒有開過"寶馬"?)
47.How about...?;……怎麼樣?
How about if we go tomorrow instead?;(我們改成明天去 怎麼樣?)
48.How do you like...?;你喜歡……嗎?
How do you like Hong Kong?;(你喜歡香港嗎?)
49.How do you want...?;你要怎麼樣的……?
How do you want your steak?;(你的牛排要幾分熟?)
50.How did...do...?;如何做到……?
How did Mary make all of her money?;(瑪麗所有的錢是 怎麼賺到的?)
51.How did...?;……進行得怎麼樣?
How did the game turn our?;(球賽結果怎麼樣?)
52.How was...?;……怎麼樣?
How was your date?;(你的約會怎麼樣?)
53.How are you doing with...?;……做得如何?
How are you doing with your new boss?;(你跟你的新上司 處得如何?)
54.How should I...?;我該如何……?
How should I tell him the bad news?;(我該如何告訴他 這個壞消息?)
55.How much...?;多少……?
How much money did you make?;(你賺了多少錢?)
56.How much does it cost to...?;……要多少錢?
How much does it cost to go abroad?;(出國要多少錢?)
57.How long will it take to...?;去……要多久?
How long wil it take to get to your house?;(到你家要多久?)
58.How long have you...?;你……多久了?
How long have you been here?;(你在這裡多久了?)
How nice/pretty/cold/ funny/stupid/boring/ interesting;(真好!……)
60.How about...?;……如何?……怎麼樣?
How about going out for dinner?;(出去吃晚餐如何?)
61.I'm sorry...;(我對……很遺憾難過)。
I'm sorry that you didn't get the job.;(很遺憾,你沒有得到 那份工作。)
62.I'm afraid...;我恐怕……
I'm afraid that it's not going to work out.;(我恐怕這事不會成的。)
63.I guess...;我想……
I guess I could come over.;(我想我能來。)
64.Is it okay to...?; ……可以嗎?
Is it okay to smoke in the office?;(在辦公室里抽煙 可以嗎?)
65.It was kind of...; 有一點……
It was kind of exciting.;(有一點刺激。)
66.I know what...;我知道……是什麼。
I know what you want.;(我知道你想要什麼。
67.Is that why...?;就是這個緣故才 導致……嗎?
Is that why you don't want to go home?;(就是這個緣故,你才 不想回家的嗎?)
68.I'm sure...;我很肯定……
I'm sure we can get you a great/good deal.;(我很肯定我們可以幫 你做成一筆好交易。)
Would you help me with the report?;(你願意幫我寫報告嗎?)
70.I didn't know...;我不知道
I didn't know he was the richest person in the world.;(我不知道他是全世界 最有錢的人。)
71.I'll have to...;我必須……
I'll have to ask my boss/wife first.;(我必須先問一下 我的老闆/老婆。)
72.I take it...;這麼說來, 我認定你是……
I take it you don't agree.;(這麼說來,我認為你 是不同意。)
73.I tried...;我試過……
I tried losing weight, but nothing worked.;(我曾試着減肥, 但是毫無效果。)
74.It makes no sense to...;做……絲毫不可理解
It doesn't make any sense to get up so early.;(那麼早起來, 沒有任何意義。)
75.It feels like...;它感覺上像是……
It feels like spring/ I've been here before.;(感覺好像春天到了/ 感覺好像我以前來過 這裡。)
76.It took+ (表示時間的詞)+to...;做(某事)花了(時間)
It took years of hard work to speak good English.;(講一口流利的英語 需要多年的刻苦操練。)
77.I wonder if...;我在想是否……
I wonder if they can make it.;(我在想他們是不是 能辦得到。)
78.It's not as...as...;它不像……一樣……
It's not as cold/hot as it was yesterday.;(今天的天氣不像昨天 的那麼冷/熱。)
It's not as easy as you think.;(它不像你想象的 那麼容易。)
79.It's not..., it's...;不是……的問題, 而是……
It's not his work that bothers me; it's his attitude.;(因擾我的不是他的 工作,而是他的態度。)
80.It sounds...;聽起來……
It sounds like you enjoyed it.;(聽起來你好像蠻喜 歡的。)
81.It seems...;好像……
It seems to me that he would like to go back home.;(我覺得他好像想要 回家。)
82.It looks...;看起來……
It looks very nice.;(看起來很漂亮。)
83.Is everything...?; 一切都……嗎?
Is everything under control?;(一切都在掌握之中嗎?)
84.I thought...;我以為……
I thought you could do a better job.;(我以為你的表現會 更好。)
85.It's time to...;是……的時候了。
It's time for us to say"No"to America.;(是我們對美國說 "不"的時候了。)
86.It's supposed to...;那應當是……
The show is supposed to be good.;(這場表演應當是 相當好的。)
87.It really depends on...;那全看……情況而定。
It really depends on who is in charge.;(那純粹要看誰負責了。)
88.It involves a lot of...;那要牽涉到很多……
It involves a lot of hard work.;(那需要很多的 辛勤工作。)
That might be in your favor.;(那可能對你有利。)
90.I didn't realize...;我不知道
I didn't realize how much this meant to you.;(我不知道這個對你 意義有多大
91.I didn't mean to...;我不是故意……
I didn't mean to offend you.;(我不是故意冒犯你。)
92.I was wondering if...;我想知道……
I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.;(我想知道這個周末 你有什麼要做。)
93.May I...?;我可以……嗎?
May I have you attention, please?;(請大家注意一下。)
94.This is great... weather.;這是個……的好天氣。
This is great golfing /swimming/picnic weather.;(這是個打高爾夫球/ 游泳/野餐的好天氣。)
95.Thanks for... Thanks for taking me to the movie.;謝謝你…… (謝謝你帶我去看電影。)
I am too tired to speak.;(我累得說不出話來。)
97.There is...;有……
There is a TV show about AIDS on right now.;(電視正播映一個有 關愛滋病的節目。)
98.Would you...?;你能……
Whould you tell me your phone number?;(你能告訴我你的電話 號碼嗎?)
99.Where did you...?;你從哪裡……呢?
Where did you learn to speak English?;(你從哪裡學會說 英語的呢?)
100.What do you think of...?;你認為……如何?
What do you think of his new job/this magazine?;(你對他的新工作/ 這本雜誌看法如何?)
101. What makes you…?;什麼事讓你……呢?
What makes you change your mind?;(什麼事讓你改變了 主意?你不是說這一次學 英語一定要堅持到 底嗎?!
第二部?第二節 一百個超級短句;
If yuo learn the following sentence and thing else you will be able to
communicate with no problem!Besides,;
you can try to teach these sentence to foreighers to help them communicate;
while they are in China.You will make friends and money.;
You'll gain valuable experience and a lot of confidence.;
1 Absolutely not.;(絕對不是。)
2 Are you coming with me?;(你跟我一起去嗎?)
3 Are you sure?;(你能肯定嗎?)
4 As soon as possible.;(儘快。)
A: When does this work need to be finished?;(這工作需要什麼 時候完成?)
B: As soon as possible.;(儘快。)
5 Believe me.;(相信我。)
6 Buy it!;(買下來!)
7 Call me tomorrow.;(明天打電話給我。)
8 Can you speak slowly?;(請您說得慢些好嗎。)
9 Come with me.;(跟我來?)
10 Congratulations!;(恭喜恭喜。)
11 Do it right?;(把它做對。)
12 Do you mean it?;(你是當真的嗎?)
13 Do you see him often?;(你經常見到他嗎?)
14 Do you see it? Do you understand?;(你明白了嗎?)
15 Do you want it?;(你要嗎?)
16 Do you want something?;(你想要些什麼?)
17 Don't do it.;(不要做。)
18 Don't exaggerate.;(不要誇張。)
19 Don't tell me that.;(不要告訴我。)
A: We have to attend a boring meeting tomorrow.;(明天我們要參加一個 枯燥的會議。)
B: Don't tell me that. I wanted to relax and go shopping.;(不要告訴我,我想輕鬆 一下,上街去購物。)
20 Give me a hand.;(幫我一下。)
21 Go right ahead.;(一直往前走。)
22 Have a good trip.;(祝旅途愉快。)
23 Have a nice day.;(祝你一天過得愉快。)
24 Have you finished?;(你做完了嗎?)
25 He doesn't have time.;(他沒空。)
26 He is on his way.;(他現在已經在路上了。)
27 How are you doing?;(你好嗎?)
28 How long are you staying?;(你要呆多久?)
29 I am crazy about her.;(我對她着迷了。)
30 I am wasting my time.;(我在浪費時間。)
31 I can do it.;(我能做的。)
32 I can't belive it.;(我簡直不能相信。)
A: Stone was thrown into jail last night!;(石頭昨晚進了監獄。)
B: I can't believe it! He's such a great guy. This news will kill his mother!;(我簡直不敢相信!他是個 多麼了不起的人!這消 息會讓他媽發瘋的
33 I can't wait.;(我不能再等了。)
34 I don't have time.;(我沒有時間。)
35 I don't know anybody.;(我一個人都不認識。)
36 I don't like it.;(我不喜歡。)
37 I don't think so.;(我認為不是。)
38 I feel much better.;(我感覺好多了。)
39 I found it.;(我找到了
40 I hope so.;(我希望如此。)
41 I knew it.;(我早知道了。)
42 I noticed that.;(我注意到了。)
43 I see.;(我明白了。)
44 I speak English well.;(我英語說得很好。)
45 I think so.;(我認為是這樣的。)
46 I want to speak with him.;(我想跟他說話。)
47 I won.;(我贏了。)
48 I would like a cup of coffee, please.;(請給我一杯咖啡。)
49 I'm hungry.;(我餓死了。)
50 I'm leaving.;(我要走了。)
51 I'm sorry.;(對不起。)
52 I'm used to it.;(我已經習慣了。)
53 I'll miss you.;(我會想念你的。)
A: I'm leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow.;(我明天去香港。)
B: I'll miss you.;(我會想你的。)
54 I'll try.;(我試試看。)
55 I'm bored.;(我很無聊。)
56 I'm busy.;(我很忙。)
57 I'm having fun.;(我玩得很開心。)
58 I'm ready.;(我準備好了
59 I've got it.;(我明白了。)
60 I've had it.;(我受夠了。)
61 It's incredible!;(真是難以置信!)
62 Is it far?;(很遠嗎?)
63 It doesn't matter.;(沒關係。)
64 It smells good.;(聞起來很香。)
65 It's about time.;(是時候了。)
66 It's all right.;(沒關係。)
67 It's easy.;(很容易。)
68 It's good.;(很好。)
69 It's near here.;(離這裡很近。)
70 It's nothing.;(沒什麼。)
71 It's time to go.;(該走了。)
72 It's different.;(那是不同的。)
73 It's funny.;(很滑稽。)
74 It's impossible.;(那是不可能的。)
75 It's not bad.;(還行。)
A: What do you think about the used car I just bought?;(你覺得我剛買的那部舊 車如何?)
B: It's not bad.;(還行。)
76 It's not difficult.;(不難。)
77 It's not worth it.;(不值得。)
78 It's obvious.;(很明顯的。)
79 It's the same thing.;(還是一樣的。)
80 It's your turn.;(輪到你了。)
81 Let me know.;(告訴我。)
82 Let me see.;(讓我想一想。)
83 Me too.;(我也一樣。)
84 Not yet!;(還沒有!)
85 Relax!;(放鬆!)
86 See you tomorrow.;(明天見。)
87 She is my best friend.;(她是我最好的朋友。)
88 She is so smart.;她真聰明。)
89 Show me.;(指給我看。)
90 Tell me.;(告訴我。)
91 Thank you very much.;(多謝。)
92 That happens.;(這樣的事情經常發生。)
A: I can't believe that I called my girlfriend/wife/father the wrong name.;(我不敢相信我竟然叫錯 了女朋友/妻子/ 父親的名字
B: That happens.;(這種事情經常發生。)
93 That's enough.;(夠了。)
94 That's interesting.;(很有趣。)
95 That's right.;(對了。)
96 That's true.;(這是真的。)
97 There are too many people here.;(這裡人太多。)
98 They like each other.;(他們互相傾慕。)
99 Think about it.;(考慮一下。)
100 Too bad!;(太糟糕啦!)
101 Wait for me.;(等等我
102 What did he say?;(他說什麼?)
103 What do you think?;(你認為怎樣?)
104 What is he talking about?;(他在說些什麼?)
105 What terrible weather!;(多壞的天氣!)
106 What's going on/ What's happening/ What's the problem?;(怎麼樣啦?)
107 What's the date today?;(今天幾號?)
108 Where are you going?;(你去哪裡?)
109 Where is he?;(他在哪裡?)
110 You are impatient.;(你太性急了。)
A: I don't think my daughter will ever learn to speak English!;(我覺得我女兒不可能學 會說英語了!)
B: I think you're too impatient. She's only three years old!;你太性急了。她才三歲!
111 You look tired.;(你看上去很累)
112 You surprise me.;(你讓我大吃一驚。)
113 You're crazy.;(你瘋了。)
114 You're welcome.;(別客氣)
115 You're always right.;(你總是對的。)
116 You're in a bad mood.;(你心情不好。)
117 You're lying.;(你在撒謊。)
118 You're wrong.;(你錯了。)
第三節 最瘋狂、最典型 的美國發音;
Greatest Sentences Ever to Practice[A] Sound;
1 If you exaggerate, you will sound fantastically American!;(如果將發音誇大一些, 你聽起來會美國味十足!)
2 A: My exam was a disaster.;我的考試簡直是一 塌糊塗。
B: You didn't pa*s? That's too bad. You'll have another chance.;(你沒有通過嗎?太遺 憾了。你會有另外 一個機會的。)
A: No. That was my last chance.;(不,那是我最後一 次機會。)
3 That's a fact.;(那是事實。)
4 Saturday I am planning to go dancing.;(星期六我計劃去跳舞。)
5 I am happy/glad to have you back from Japan.;(我很高興你從日本回 來。)
6 That man/actor had a bad accent and bad grammar.;(那個男人/演員口音很 糟糕,且語法錯誤 很多。)
7 There was a bad traffic accident.;發生了一起糟糕的交通 事故
That hacker ran into the back of my van and killed my cat.;出租車撞到了我麵包車 的後背,撞死了我的貓。
Too bad it wasn't my wife because I loved my cat.;太遺憾了,死的不是 我太太,因為我愛我 的貓)
8 Don't laugh behind other people's back.;(不要在背後取笑別人
9 Come back after you finish your math exam.;(完成數學測驗之後 回來。)
10 My grandfather was a bad man, and he treated my grandmother very badly.;(我的祖父是個壞人, 他對祖母非常不好。)
11 I'm so glad that nothing bad has happened.;(我很高興沒發生什麼 糟糕的事情。)
12 As a matter of fact, I think he is an a*shole『討厭的人; 肛門;屁眼兒』.;(事實上,我認為他是 個混蛋。)
13 Look at that fat a*s on that fat man.;(看看那個胖子的屁股多 大。)
14 You're not such a had apple/bad egg after all.;(你畢竟還不是太壞。)
15 There's always a bad apple in every cla*s.;(每個班都有幾粒老鼠 屎。)
16 Good employees get a pat on the back, while good secretaries get a pat on the a*s.;(員工表現得好老闆會 拍拍他的背,而秘書做 得好老闆則會拍拍 她的屁股。)
17 She deserves a pat on the back.;(她應該得到表揚。)
18 Pats on the back weren't enough, he wanted fast cash.;(只有表揚是不夠的, 他要的是看得見、摸 得着的現金。
19 These back-to-back appointments are giving me a heart attack/killing me/;
affecting my health.;(這一連串的約會使得 我疲於奔命。)
20 Back-to-back defeats made him sad.;(連續的失敗使他很 傷心。)
21 Stop picking on me and get off my back. Man! I've had it.;(別再對我進行挑剔, 別再找我麻煩了。 我受夠了!)
22 Get off my back, will ya? I'll do it when I have time.;(別羅嗦了,好不好? 我有時間就去做。)
23 Get your crap off my bed!;(把你那些亂七八糟的東 西從我床上搬走0
24 Laughter has no foreign accent.;(笑聲沒有外國口音。)
25 Such men are the backbone『骨幹;支柱; 基礎』of the country.;(這樣的人是國家的棟 梁。)
26 Selfishness and unhappiness often go hand in hand.;自私的人通常無幸福可 言。
27 He who laughs last laughs best.;誰笑到最後,誰就笑 得最好。
28 The voters had a backlash against rising gas taxes.;投標人強烈反對增加汽 油稅。
29 A bad black man tried to crash the rally, but my dad called the cops.;(一個黑人壞蛋企圖要混 進我們的聚會,我父親 打電話叫來了警察。)
30 The manager was hired at a handsome salary.;(這個經理被高薪聘用。)
31 We must take action before it is too late.;(我們必須及早採取行 動。)
32 Actions are more important than words.;(行動勝似語言。)
33 That man is always handing out『給予』 unwanted advice.;(那個人總是給別人沒 有用的建議。)
34 We handed in our exams at the last minute of the cla*s.;(在下課的最後時刻, 我們交了考試卷。)
35 The two brothers worked hand in hand.;(兩兄弟攜手合作。)
36 The family went to the graduation at Stanford.;(全家人去斯坦福大學參 加了畢業典禮。)
37 I ran as fast as I could.;(我跑得不能再快了。)
38 We had to act fast.;(我們不得不儘快行動。)
39 It happened in the past.;(它發生在過去。)
40 Don't miss your last chance.;(不要錯過最後的機會。)
41 It is absolutely impossible to cure AIDS.;(要治癒艾滋病是絕對不 可能的。)
42 We will have a fat chance to win the game on Saturday.;(我們幾乎沒有可能贏得 星期六的比賽。)
43 Casual dress is becoming more and more fashionable.;休閒服裝變得越來越流 行了。
44 The match won't catch.;(這火柴擦不着。)
45 The dog went after a rabbit but didn't catch it.;狗追兔子,但沒有逮住 兔子。
46 The mad dog ran past Dan.;(那瘋狗從丹身邊跑過。)
47 Alice dashed to the back of the shack 『簡陋木屋』to stash『 藏匿;存放』the bag.;(艾麗斯跑到小木屋後面 把包藏起來。)
48 Stan took a rabbit from his magic hat.;(斯坦從他的魔術帽里把 兔子拿出來。)
49 A: Damn it.;(混蛋)
B: Watch your mouth!;(嘴巴放乾淨一點。)
A: I learned that bad habit from you. You should have watched your mouth first.;(這個壞習慣是你傳給 我的。你要先注意 自己。)
nasty; dirty; bad; unpleasant; disgusting; unkind; offensive;;
bad to deal with or experience.;
1 a nasty mind.;(卑鄙骯髒的思想)
2 nasty language.;(污穢不堪的語言)
3 live a cheap and nasty life.;(過低賤的生活)
5 It's a tacky, nasty little movie.;(這是一部庸俗下流不值 一看的電影。)
6 a nasty smell;(難聞的氣味)
7 a nasty taste;(難吃的味道)
8 cold, wet, nasty weather(寒冷多雨的 惡劣天氣);
9 a nasty habit;(噁心)
10 a nasty temper;(臭脾氣)
11 a nasty attack of cough;(一陣劇烈的咳嗽)
12 a nasty accident;(嚴重的事故)
13 a nasty look in his eyes;(眼露凶光)
14 a nasty room;(髒亂的房間)
15 a nasty book;(下流書)
16 say nasty things about sb.;(惡語中傷某人)
第四節 四星級?五星 級?六星級單詞全面奉獻 超級六星級動詞
Accomplish Accomplish: to succeed in doing; finish successfully; comlete.;做成功;完成;實現; 達成。
All the following sentences may seem very difficult.;
That's because "accomplish"is a six-star word and six-star words are;
only found in challenging sentences!;
With a little hard work and determination you can[accomplish];
your goal of mastering them all.;
1 They accomplished their mission.;(他們完成了使命。)
2 A lazy man can never[accomplish] anything.;(懶惰的人永遠一 事無成。)
3 We tried to arrange a peace agreement, but [accomplished] nothing.;(我們試圖達成和平協議, 但毫無成效。)
4 She's accomplished a lot/great deal in the last few weeks.;(她在前幾個星期里做 成了很多事情。)
5 The task of modernization will not be accomplished in one generation.;(現代化的任務不是一 代人所能完成的。)
6 How did they [accomplish]so much so quickly?;(他們何以能如此迅速地 取得這麼巨大的成就?)
7 I don't think our President's visit to Japan really accomplished anything.;(我認為我們總統訪日 並未取得什麼真正 成效。)
8 Crazy English is the best method to accomplish your goal of conquering English.;(瘋狂英語是實現征服英 語這一目標的最好 方法。)
9 We can absolutely [accomplish]whatever you can with better and quicker results.;(你們能做到的事情, 我們也能做到,而且 會做得更快更好。)
10 We need capable and experienced hands, Ideas just don't accomplish themselves.;我們需要有能力和經驗的 老手,只有想法並不 能成事。
11 Frankly speaking, I don't see what you can possibly accomplish here.;(坦率地說,我看不出 你在這兒能幹出什 麼來。)
12 All this work was accomplished in a week.;(所有這些工作都是在 一個星期內完成的。)
第五節 語法大戰--兩篇 文章讓你吃透兩條語法 第1篇:巨大的進步
A Big Improvement;
1 Paul recently completed/finished a Crazy English cla*s,;保羅最近結束了瘋狂英 語的課程,
and he's very proud of the results.;他為自己的成績感到驕 傲。
His family has noticed that he's speaking English more loudly, more clearly,;他的家人發現他在說英 語時,比以往更大聲, 更清楚
more fluently and more confidently than ever before.;更流利,而且更加自信。
His boss has noticed that he's more effective and successful in his work;他的老闆發覺他在工作 中更有效率和更成功了。
All his friends tell him that he's friendlier,;他所有的朋友都告訴他
less shy and more outgoing than before.;他變的比以前更友好, 更直爽,膽子也大了。
And Paul himself has noticed that;保羅自己也發現
he's more comfortable and relaxed when he speaks in front of people;他在眾人面前說英語時, 愈加輕鬆自如
and he's even enjoying himself more at parties.;甚至在派對上也玩得更開 心。
Paul is feeling much better about himself these days.;保羅這些天自我感覺 很多。
That's why he's now recommending;Crazy English to everybody he knows.;這就是他現在向所有認 識的人推薦「瘋狂英語」 的原因。
2 Feeling good about yourself is the key to a happier and more productive life.;自我感覺良好是擁有快 樂和更有成績感的生 活的關鍵。
Being a good English speaker;作為一個口語流利者
will definitely make you feel good about yourself.;你一定會有一種全新的 感覺。
Paul recently completed/finished a Crazy English cla*s,;保羅最近結束了瘋狂英 語的課程,
and he's very proud of the results.;他為自己的成績感到 驕傲。
His family has noticed that he's speaking English more loudly, more clearly,;他的家人發現他在說英 語時,比以往更大聲, 更清楚,
more fluently and more confidently than ever before.;更流利,而且更加自信。
His boss has noticed that he's more effective and successful in his work;他的老闆發覺他在工作 中更有效率和更成功了。
All his friends tell him that he's friendlier,;他所有的朋友都告訴他
less shy and more outgoing than before.;他變的比以前更友好, 更直爽,膽子也大了。
And Paul himself has noticed that;保羅自己也發現
he's more comfortable and relaxed when he speaks in front of people;他在眾人面前說英語時, 愈加輕鬆自如
and he's even enjoying himself more at parties.;甚至在派對上也玩得更 開心。
Paul is feeling much better about himself these days.;保羅這些天自我感覺 很多。
That's why he's now recommending;Crazy English to everybody he knows.;這就是他現在向所有認 識的人推薦「瘋狂英語」 的原因。
2 Feeling good about yourself is the key to a happier and more productive life.;自我感覺良好是擁有快 樂和更有成績感的生活的 關鍵。
Being a good English speaker;作為一個口語流利者
will definitely make you feel good about yourself.;你一定會有一種全新的 感覺。
第2篇:辛勞的回報 Hard Work Pays Off
1 2000 was a great year for Donna.;2000年對唐娜來說真是太 幸運了
In January she was hired by the Stone-Cliz;她一月份被Stone—Cliz
International English Promotion Company as a personal a*sistant.;國際英語推廣公司聘為 私人助理,
In Marych she was sent to school by the company to study information management;三月份,公司派她去學習 信息管理。
In April she was given a raise.;四月,獲得了一次加薪。
Just one month later,;就在一個月以後,
she was promoted to the position of supervisor of her department.;她又被提升為所在部 門的主管
2 In July she was chosen"Employee of the Month.;七月份,她被評選為「 本月最佳員工」
"In September she was given another raise.;九月,她再一次得到了 加薪
In October she was invited to apply for;在十月她獲得一次機會 申請
a position in the company's overseas office in New York.;公司駐紐約的海外辦事 處的職位。
And in December she was given the new job and flown to America to begin to work.;十二月,唐娜獲得那份 工作,並動身飛往美國 走上了她的 新的工作崗位。
3 Donna certainly has had a very incredible year.;這對唐娜來說當然是 不可思議的一年
She can't believe all the amazing things that have happened to her;她不敢相信自己遇到那 麼多幸運的事情
since she was hired just one year ago.;她才被聘用一年
4 You see, hard work and devotion paid off for Donna.;你瞧,全身心投入工作 換來了唐娜的的成就。
She knows the golden rule "you must give to receive.";她深知為人的黃金準則, 那就是「有付出才有收 獲」
She gave one hundred percent effort to her job;她對工作付出了百分之 百的努力,
and reached unbelievable success!;也取得了令人難以置信的 成功。
第六節 三最短文 第1篇:江澤民主席接受 美國《新聞周刊》採訪;
Q: What impressed you during your U.S. visit?;(此次美國之行有什麼 令您印象深刻
A: What impressed me most was that wherever I went,;令我印象最深的是, 無論走到哪裡
I was received in a very friendly manner by the American people.;我都得了美國人民非常 友好的接待。
And I was given a very warm reception by the U.S. government;美國政府給予我極其熱 情的接待,
and the various non-governmental organizations.;和各種非政府組織依然 給予機器熱情的款待
And I was able to have very sincere and candid conversations with;同時還有機會進行既 真誠又坦率的談話
people from various walks of life including government officials..;包括政府官員在內的各 界人士
And these exchanges of views have proven very helpful;所有這些觀點的交流已 經證實是非常有助於
in promoting mutual understanding between the two sides.;促進兩國之間的相互 了解。
A: What impressed me most was that wherever I went,;令我印象最深的是,無 論走到哪裡
I was received in a very friendly manner by the American people.;我都得了美國人民非常 友好的接待。
And I was given a very warm reception by the U.S. government;美國政府給予我極其熱 情的接待,
and the various non-governmental organizations.;和各種非政府組織依然 給予機器熱情的款待
And I was able to have very sincere and candid conversations;同時還有機會進行既 真誠又坦率的談話。
with people from various walks of life including government officials..;包括政府官員在內的各 界人士
And these exchanges of views have proven very helpful;所有這些觀點的交流已 經證實是非常有助於
in promoting mutual understanding between the two sides.;促進兩國之間的相互了 解。
第七節 生活實際問題- 單相思,我該怎麼辦? Unrequited love 單戀
Dear Mr. Know-it-all,;親愛的萬事通先生,
1 In 1997, when I was finishing college,;1 在我1997年大學畢 業之際,
I met a beautiful girl and we became good friends.;我遇上了一位漂亮的女 孩並成為了好朋友.
After graduation we kept in touch through letters.;畢業後,我們一直保持 着書信來往。
Gradually I found I was in love with her.;漸漸地,我發覺我愛 上了她。
2 As a result, I refused the advances of another woman I knew in my office,;2 結果,我拒絕了辦 公室一位女孩的求愛,
and at that point, I realized I should make my feelings known to the woman I loved.;與此同時,我認識到應 該讓我所愛的人知道 我的感情。
3 I Wrote a letter to her expressing my love. She responded right away.;3 於是,我寫了一封 信向她表達我的愛意。 她很快就給我回信了
To my great disappointment, she refused my love,;讓我失望至極的是,她 拒絕了我
saying she had always thought of me as her big brother;她說,她一直都把我當 成是大哥哥
and that she just enjoyed exchangin ideas and thoughts with me.;只是喜歡與我交流思想 而已
I am in so much pain now and don't know what to do.;我現在傷心極了,不知 道如何是好.
Should I continue to keep in touch with her;我應該繼續與她聯繫呢,
or forget her and disappear from her life?;還是忘記她、從她的視 線中消失?
I hope that I can get some advice from big sister Know-it-all.;我希望萬事通大哥能給 我一些建議。
Dear LiYang,;親愛的李陽,
1 On a pain scale of one to ten, unrequited love, or love that is given but not returned;1 在大大小小的痛楚中, 單相思或沒有回報的愛
can be right up there just above an operation or a visit to the dentist.;所帶來的痛楚和手術或看 牙醫後的痛相比,
It is much worse than both. Medical procedures tend to heal quickly.;前兩者更甚於後兩者。 醫療手段可以很快治 愈肉體的創傷,
Broken hearts can take years to heal and sometimes never do.;而破碎的心卻需要多年 才能復原,有時甚至終 生也難以癒合。
2 Most of us have our first run in/encounter /experience with;2 大多數人都有過的 經歷
unrequited love in our late teens, during high school.;十八九歲在學校里時單 相思
We watch from afar as our truly beloved wanders the halls of the school.;遠遠地看着自己所愛的 人在學校大禮堂漫步
We make every effort to spend as much time with that person as possible.;想方設法地儘可能與心 儀的人呆在一起;
We also make every effort to be sure;我們也會力圖把愛埋在 心底,
that person does not know how in love we really are.;不讓對方知道我們是多 麼的愛她。
But that is no way to go through life.;然而,我們總不能就這 樣度過一生。
3 So then comes theinevitable/ unavoideble day when we have watched;3 因此,在那個遲早 都要面臨的日子裡當看了
"Titanic" too many times or listened to too much Celine Dion;無數次"鐵達尼號" "和聽了無數遍席林迪翁 的歌以後
and we get up our courage and go to them in a dramatic flurry;我們終於鼓起勇氣在 忐忑不安中走向她們。
and confess our true feelings.;袒露我們我們的情感。
4 A couple of hours later it is all over with;4 幾小時之後,一切都 已結束。
and all we want to do is turn back time and go back to admiring them from afar.;我們唯一所希望的就是 讓時光倒流。回到遠遠 地讚賞她們的那個時候
We want to go back to the sweent taste of our fantasies thinking how wonderful;回到我們甜美的夢境中, 想着有多麼的美妙
it will be when we can be together.;能與她在一起
We want to go back there because rejection leaves a bad taste in our mouths;我們想回到從前,只因 她的拒絕
that we can never quite get rid of.;在我們心中留下的陰影 揮之不去。
My advice to you is let her go.You can't force her to fall in love with you .;我的建議是由她去。你 不可能強迫她愛上你。
The only thing wrose is begging her to love you.;更差的是企求她愛你。
It is difficult for me to even advise you to maintain your good friendship with her,;我甚至難以建議你繼續 保持與她的友誼,
because much like being on teeter-totter with someone heavier than yourself,;因為對我來說這是一件 很難的事,這叫你與一個 比你重許多的人玩蹺蹺板 沒什麼區別。
things will just never be even/balanced/equal;結果都是不可能的。
I hope you feel better and I wish you the best of luck.;希望我所說的對你有 幫助,祝你好運!
第八節 成語的挑戰 *I'm sick and tired of having to support of my brother;我已經煩透照顧我弟弟了
just because he refuses to go out and find a job.;只因為他不肯出去找工 作,
*I'm sick and tired of having to support of my brother;我已經煩透照顧我弟弟了
just because he refuses to go out and find a job.;只因為他不肯出去找工 作,
I'm sick and tired of having to support of my husband;我已經煩透照顧我丈夫了
just because he refuses to go out and find a job.;只因為他不肯出去找工 作,
Going Out for the Evening;晚上外出
A: Let's go to the movies. There's a good one playing now.;(去看電影吧,有部好片 子正在放映。)
B: I'd like to, but I can't. I really have to study.;我想去,但是不行,我要 學習。
I wasted the whole afternoon.;我已經浪費了一個下午.
I forgot I had to brush up on my English.;我忘記溫習英語了。
Then, all of a sudden I remembered.;我突然才想起
A: Oh, come on! We'll be home early/before 11.;(噢,走吧!我們會早點 兒回家的。/十一之前回 來的。)
B: No, I'd better not. I have a big exam tomorrow.;不,我不能這樣。我明 天有一個考試。
I was about to study when you came in. You know how it is.;你進來的時候我正要開 始學習呢。你也知道的,
If you don't study, you don't pa*s. That goes without saying;如果不準備的話,毫無 疑問會通過不了。
A: Exam? Tomorrow? Oh- oh!;(考試?明天?噢噢!)
B: What's the matter /What's wrong?;(怎麼啦?)
A: I just remembered. I have a test, too!;(我剛記起我明天也有 考試!)
B: We can go to the movies some other time.;我們可以下次去看電 影嘛。
brush up on something: review something to make it fresh again in one's mind;提高;改進;重溫;再 練。
*They came here to brush up on technology.;(他們來此以求提高技 術。)
*I really need to brush up on my English.;(我確實需要提高我的 英語水平。)
*I'm going to give a speech tomorrow, so I have to brush up on my notes.;(明天我要進行一場演講, 因此,我必須整理一下 我的筆記。)
*Professor Wang had not given a talk on management for a long time,;王教授很久沒有講授管理 方面的課程了,
so he had to brush up on some of the new ideas. 他必須學習研究一下一 些新的發展;
all of a sudden: something happening quickly; without advance warning.;(口語)突然;忽然;出其 不意地;冷不防
*Lisa looked very sad, but then, all of a sudden, she began to laugh.;(麗薩看起來很悲傷, 但突然她大笑起來。)
*All of a sudden, she burst into laughter.;(她突然大笑起來
*They were sitting quietly when all of a sudden there was a loud noise.;(他們正靜靜地坐着, 突然傳來一聲巨響。)
*It started out to be a sunny day. They, all of a sudden,;天本來晴朗,突然
it became cloudy and began to rain。;突然變得多雲開始下 起雨。
had better('d better): should do something; ought to do something.;最好……;應該……。
*You had better not go out today.;(今天你最好不要外出。)
*I think we'd better discuss it more.;(我認為我們應該進一 步討論這事。)
*I'd better go now or I'll be late for cla*s.;(我最好現在就走, 否則我上課就會遲到。)
*You'd better take your raincoat because it's supposed to rain today.;(你最好帶上雨衣,今天 能會下雨。)
第四筆財富: about to: on the point of doing something.;剛要;打定主意要。
*We are just about to leave.;(我們正準備離開。)
Cathy was just about to leave when Mr. Lee invited her to stay for dinner.;凱茜正準備離開的時候, 李先生邀請她留下來吃 晚飯。
*I'm not about to waste my time doing something foolish.;(我絕不再浪費時間做愚 蠢的事了。)
*Stone was about to leave when the telephone rang.;(石頭正準備離開,電話 鈴響了。)
第五筆財富: Goes without saying:;不言而喻;
something is so obvious that it doesn't have to be mentioned.;不言而喻,不用說。
*It goes without saying that our success depends on diligence.;(不用說,我們的成功取 決於勤奮。)
*It goes without saying that children should not play with guns.;(不用說,小孩不應當 玩弄槍枝。)
*Mary's an excellent student.;瑪麗是個優秀的學生
It goes without saying that her parents are very proud of her.;(不用說,她的父母以她 為榮。)
*Anne just told me she can't go with us. It goes without saying we're disappointed.;
第六筆財富: What's the matter? =What is wrong?;怎麼啦?出了什麼事?
*What's the matter with Kate? She looks angry.;凱特怎麼啦?她好像很 生氣
*What's the matter with this computer?;(這台計算機出了什麼 毛病?)
*How cold your hands feel! What's the matter with you?;(你的手怎麼這樣冰冷! 你怎麼啦!)
1I have to brush up on my French/English/ history/grammar rules /speaking skills.;
2All of a sudden I woke up/I remembered her name/she left the room/it began to rain;
/Kim started to cry/ Stone became angry/ Bill began to laugh/;
Hillary wanted to leave.;
3I'd better not go to the movies tonight/ tell Lee what happened /eat dinner now/;
lose those important papers/fail the exam/ sell my car/buy that house/;
give that psycho my phone number.
4I was about to kill myself when it began to rain/study when you came in/go when the
phone rang/write her a note when she arrived/eat dinner when Stone called me/;
take a bath when the doorbell rang.;
5 It goes without saying that we should be on time/time is;
money/honesty is the best policy/we must study hard/haste makes waste/a penny saved;
is a penny earned/many hands make light work/ you're as old as you feel/education is;
important/good health is essential.;
Any proverb can follow the idiom"it goes without saying"because their advice is
so well known that it shouldn't need to be repeated.;
6 What's the matter? You look angry/tired/ upset/bored/pissed off /so happy/so sick;
/You're trembling/ crying/Stone is yelling.;

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