下載Let me touch you for a whileLRC歌詞
Let me touch you for awhile
演唱: Alison Krauss(艾莉森.克羅絲)
歌詞編輯: 洪湖漁夫
It's been a long time coming (那是一個漫長的旅程)
As you shed a lonesome tear (當你流下一滴孤獨的眼淚)
Now your in a wonderama (現在你到了一個奇妙的地方)
I wonder what your doing here (我想知道你為什麼來到這裡)
The flame no longer flickers (火焰已不再閃爍 )
You're feeling just like a fool (你現在感覺就像一個傻瓜)
You keep staring into your liquor (你的目光始終盯着你的烈酒)
I'm wondering what to do (我想知道要做些什麼)
I don't hardly know you (我對你多少了解一點)
But I'm be willing to show you (但我願意為你起舞)
I know a way to make you smile (我知道怎樣才能讓你高興起來)
Let me touch you for a while (讓我親近你片刻)
I'm gonna ruin my black mascara (我將要傾家蕩產了)
You're drinking whiskey when it should be wine (你得到的並不是你所想要的)
You keep on looking in to that mirror (你始終注視着那面鏡子)
But to me your looking really fine (但對我而言你看上去相當不錯)
I don't hardly know you (我對你多少了解一點)
But I'm be willing to show you (但我願意為你起舞)
I know a way to make you laugh at that Cowgirl as she's walking out your door
I know a way to make you smile (我知道怎樣才能讓你高興起來)
Just let me whisper things (就讓我低聲數說一些)
You never heard before (你以前從未聽說過的事吧)
Just let me touch you baby (就讓我親近你 寶貝兒)
Just let me touch you for a while (就讓我親近你片刻)
之苦 : …… 一個秋日的黃昏, 一個滿臉寫着滄桑
的那間唯一的小旅店 , 選一張靠近角落的桌子
坐下,叫了一壺燒酒,一碟干牛肉自斟自飲. 他的
孤獨,他的寂寞,深深刺痛着一個人的心. 她就是
I don't hardly know (我對你多少了解一點)
But I'm be willing to show you (但我願意為你起舞)
I know a way to make you smile (我知道怎樣才能讓你高興起來)
It's been a long time (已經過了很長時間)
Just let me touch you for a while (就讓我親近你片刻)
(Alison Krauss 的歌曲之所以吸引人,是因其個人
演唱魅力和她所創作的精緻 、純正的蘭草音樂.
木吉他和斑鳩琴這樣蘭草的標準樂器, 編曲配器
也絕少矯飾, 沒有任何世俗渲染的音樂配上她那