The cloud cast its shadow <雲層投下厚厚的陰影>
(With the sunset) another day’s gone by<伴隨着夕陽,又一天安然地逝去>
And no memo’s left aside<沒有留下什麼回憶>
Somewhat upset but don』t know why<我感到些許的傷感,卻說不出原由>
Pictures hung on the window<在窗上懸掛着的照片>
(Make no sound and) tell the stories<悄悄地,講述着一個又一個的故事>
Not in a hurry<不緊不慢>
But all those days can never come back<但所有那些消失的時光再也不能回來了>
Losing the battles, losing the ability of thinking<輸掉了無數次的戰役,丟失了思考的能力>
Losing the hopes and, losing the chances to enjoy love<沒有了美好的希望,錯過了應去享受的愛情>
Beathe the smell of this city<呼吸着這個城市的氣息>
(Full of dust and) agitation <充斥着灰塵,和躁動>
It keeps worsening<它還在變得更糟糕>
Wipe out the ease and peace inside of me<抹去了我體內那一點點寧靜與安詳>
Sit in the middle of nowhere<在無所適從里>
(In such a silence) no conversation<在這樣的寂靜中,沒有談話>
Only hesitation<只有躊躇>
Eating all my sense of happiness<吞噬着我所有的幸福的感覺>
Losing the battles, losing the ability of thinking<輸掉了無數次的戰役,丟失了思考的能力>
Losing the hopes and, losing the chances to enjoy love<沒有了美好的希望,錯過了應去享受的愛情>
Things are changing too fast, too quickly to anticipate<是否是世界變化太快,我沒有辦法預測>
Am I getting so busy running ahead without a break<是否是我走得太急,從來沒有停歇過>
Turn around and look back at the way I』m coming through<轉過身,再去尋找那條經過的道路>
Already been obscure…<它已經模糊,看不清楚了。。。>