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  3. would you please come home

黎明 would you please come home LRC歌詞

歌曲 would you please come home黎明 演唱。

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would you please come home
今夜你會不會來 英文版
演唱: 黎明
standing in the misty and lonely went to evening
watching on this confluence falling in the night
I wonder why you have not called to tell me good night
you know I feel lonely in the night
in this cold and lonely time
maybe you'll call on and let me know you'll be all right
maybe you'll just think that I would be all right
no matter what you think
I need you to come home to me now
I cannot live without your being
so come home to me my love
which that I can only let you know
just the way I'm feeling now
are you willing to come back to me if I call
on you my love
would you please come home tonight
oh my love I need you now
if I call on you tonight
just let me know that you're well
would you please come home tonight
oh my love I need you now
Oh darling, say you come tonight
don't let me down, my love

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